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Villa de Leyva

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Villa de Leyva - Colonial Charm in the Colombian Highlands

Villa de Leyva, nestled in the picturesque Colombian Highlands, is a charming colonial town frozen in time. Its cobblestone streets, whitewashed buildings, and tranquil atmosphere make it a favorite destination for travelers seeking a peaceful retreat and a glimpse into Colombia's rich history.

Here are some highlights of Villa de Leyva:

  • The well-preserved colonial architecture, including the iconic Plaza Mayor, one of the largest cobblestone squares in South America.
  • The fascinating museums and galleries showcasing the town's cultural heritage, from fossils to colonial art.
  • The surrounding natural wonders, such as the stunning Iguaque National Park and the surreal desert landscape of the Tatacoa Desert.
  • The vibrant arts and crafts scene, with local artisans selling handmade pottery, textiles, and jewelry in the town's markets.